< 2 have made an entry to the Captain's Log


"Get a life" comes to mind.

Okay, I'm somewhat reassured that the entire world isn't as ridiculously star-f***cked and shallow as moi, because I made it all the way into work (20 minutes) listening to "WWJ, ALL NEWS! ALL THE TIME!!" (this bellowed by the most annoying announcer known to man), and heard nary a word about the aforementioned couple in my previous entry.

Lots of news about snow, sleet, rain, work being sent overseas because the average Chinese auto employee makes something like 36 cents an hour (WTF?!), and yes, even some additional updates on the Tsunami tragedy.

So it's just me. Sitting here googling away trying to make some sense of what happened to beloved "Pen and Tad", and furthermore, why I even give a rat's ass about it. "Get a life" comes to mind.

Wait. They did get married on my birthday. So maybe that's it. I felt that we were all very close because we shared a special day, and I was sure that at some point we would have an anniversary/birthday combo party, and dammit, that's not gonna happen now. Well, thanks a pantload, kiddies. Now I'll have to revert to remembering that my birthday was ALSO the day on which Di and Charles tied the knot, but that just gets me going on Di, and let's not go there. Because how I reacted to THAT is downright embarassing.

My sister called this morning and reported that she had also heard the news about B&J and was "startled at how much mental energy she had already put into it" -- and "what does that say about us?"

Uhm, nothing good I'm thinking.

Now that I'm actually here at work I've successfully justified that there really isn't ANYTHING that TRULY needs to be done before Monday morning, so I think I'll just spend a few hours catching up on DL entries ( Kristin! I love your Chair Company! I had my very own company as well when I was 8, and to this day I don't know what my product was or who my customers were but I was Very. Very. Important. And busy. All the time. I had a broken intercom, lots of pads with carbon paper -- the kind greasy spoons use to take your food order -- and a toy phone. I made many calls, filled out many orders, and spoke on my intercom to my invisible Boss. Ironic that I ended up being a glorified secretary, eh?!)


On a side note, and because I continue to Avoid Working, I went ice skating yesterday for the first time in 12 years. In spite of 5 years of lessons when I was a tyke, I completely suck. Why I thought I could do twirls and leaps and jumps and things after 12 years is beyond me, but twirl, leap, and fall I did. Hell, I couldn't even dredge up a hockey stop. After about an hour, though, I felt much more confident and remembered how much I love skating. So I'm going skating at least twice a week. Besides, it makes me feel very close to that hunka hunka burnin', kilt-wearin' hockey stud, Judd when I'm doing my attempted hockey stop/bonecrunching check into the side of the rink wall. I know he would be proud. Or, you know, he'd laugh hard.

La dee da... I guess I have to at least stir my desk or do something semi-productive. Perhaps I'll intercom "Boss" and announce something important, like: "Have you heard the news....???"

Here's to thinking grateful (Jeez, i hate that word, thank you AA) thoughts to all of us lucky enough to be happily married and NOT have our personal lives scrutinized by shallow slimeballs like me. Special love and props to HB, the wonder husband for his increasing talents at Reporting Important Chick News, and okay, yeah. I think 20 chick points gets you something very chicky from ME.


xquzme at sometime today

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