
warcrygirl - 2005-08-11 12:27:55
Get you some grub killer. I had moles last year and the stuff I got not only killed the moles but other insects as well such as ANTS. Blood and guts? Better you than me.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-08-11 12:37:11
You really need to be more creative. I'm thinking Mole Meatloaf, Mole Stew, Baked Mole, Broiled Mole, and so on and so forth. Now will you please update my link?
moonfaeryy - 2005-08-11 12:43:51
Girl, I can totally relate to the stepping in puke thing. I seem to do when I'm half asleep on my way to the bathroom. Ew!
Gumphood - 2005-08-11 13:54:31
That entry had alot of ickness in it. Gosh. You have a strong stomach.
warcrygirl - 2005-08-11 14:45:23
Okay, it didn't kill the MOLES; it killed the grubs. With nothing left to eat the moles went away. I'm partial to Mole-kabobs and Mole a la King, myself...
xquzme - 2005-08-11 16:34:16
Mole Flambe. Mole and Spam Casserole. Mexican Mole with Mole sauce... tee hee
Matty - 2005-08-11 16:40:06
Shrews are mole-cousins. Good eye. Order Insectivora, in with hedgehogs, as well.
Ricky - 2005-08-11 20:18:17
My exact response after reading the part about the squishing of the shrew was, "That is so cool...." weird. yeah, ok, I'l go now.......
clipchick - 2005-08-11 20:34:32
Mole Flambe braised with a sauce of Cat ala Puke...mmm...yum! Sorry sister-that's waaaay too many foreign squishy things to have experienced between your toes in a matter of minutes. Your HB and my Hubby must be separated twins! Sounds exactly like something he would do, too!
Lisa Marie - 2005-08-14 15:50:44
I googled it for you
Coyote - 2005-08-16 00:48:31
I can understand being creaped (creeped?) out by stepping on a dead animal and making its guts .... anyway. Here's what I don't get: arachnophobia. I was with a friend the other day, and I literally had to RUSH him through a street he was convinced was crawling with spiders because the trees hung low. If only he knew how many spiders there were in the world. I'm off topic, but anyway, don't kill spiders. They're really neat, and they get rid of other insects.
Coyote - 2005-08-16 00:51:06
Oh, that reminds me. Remember the time Helen hit a deer (well, really it was Helen's boyfriend, Jacko) with her car, and instead of examining the damange to the deer and the car, he put the deer INTO the car, and they both drove it to work and cooked it in OUR WORK KITCHEN for three days? Just think of what you could do with a mole. Mole soup. Mole patte. Mole casserole. Mole-miso soup. The possibilities are endless.
Coyote - 2005-08-16 00:53:18
Oops, looks like those possibilities have been covered.
bethany - 2005-08-16 11:33:22
Moles have plauged me my whole life.
Tschehn - 2005-08-17 22:22:34
Chika! Open one large bag Tostitos bite-size rounds. Melt 2 2-pound bricks Velveeta over medium heat, puree 1 mole in Osterizer for 30 seconds and stir into melted Velveeta. Add Ro-tel (optional). Serves: HB. Plus, I'm pretty sure you have voles. A vole is smaller than a mole, larger than a shrew. A shrew is about the size of a smallish thumb. A vole is about the size of a smallish mouse. Interestingly, a shrew has a metabolism quite similar to that of a hummingbird. I spent a summer at the University of Michigan Biological Station pretending I had secretarial skills. I picked up a lot of useful information about vermin there. What you need is an army of carion beetles to clean up Babe's trophy's. Trust me, you do.
TschehnAgain - 2005-08-17 22:24:29
trophy's; shit, I'm TIRED.
xquzme - 2005-08-18 13:23:01
Thanks to you all for your mole extermination advice and recipes. I'll rustle up some Mo-Ro-Tel tonight!

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