
Gumphood - 2005-07-28 11:01:34
I am glad you use it. That make me Happy I can Help. Happy Birthday to you. You're diary doesn't look a day over 18
Andria - 2005-07-28 11:46:03
Oh, Xquzme... I have loved Jason Bateman since he on SILVER SPOONS. All the other girls wanted Ricky Schroeder, but he was too pretty for me.

Happy birthday!!! :)
Tschehn - 2005-07-28 11:54:38
Oh, there you are! Happy birthday a day early, Chicka-pooh! Let's frost Sandy like a cake and share her with EVERYONE! Yeah!
moonfaeryy - 2005-07-28 12:50:29
Happy Birthday! How young...29 right? Thanks for the tag, gives me something to think about tonight at work! Maybe I won't get any work done. Oh yeah, and I would take a little slice of Sandy if you and Tschehn are willing to share..... :-)
clipchick - 2005-07-28 15:55:34
Happy Happy! It's always a good thing to get one year older. It sure beats not having a chance, you know! Thanks for tagging me-I'm putting together a list right now-we'll see what develops! Hey, I share a birthday with Elvira, Roddy Mc Dowell, Ann Bancroft, 2 Supreme Court Justices, and Spiro T. Agnew, to name a few-so you're not the only oneto be so lucky!
Nilliem - 2005-07-28 17:49:12
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! So glad you are here. And getting older does beat the alternative. btw....too many hotties gets you a big AMEN sistah!
Ricky - 2005-07-28 18:11:05
The sound clip was from Billy Madison with Adam Sandler. Just the funniest movie ever made is all..... :) And I actually saw the average joe finale even though it was only the second episode I've seen. The other one being the first. But yeah, there's no way them two are hooking up. She just didn't want to seem like a snob.

Oh and I'm guessing the joke list person was Ewan McGregor? You know that dude's gay right? Seriously, I'm not sure a guy can be any gayer and not be a girl.

Sorry, I'm just in a talkitve mood. I'll go now. :)
warcrygirl - 2005-08-01 15:02:19
GAH! I'll get to my list as soon as I can. *smoochies*
Cole - 2005-08-02 02:34:58
Mauybe I'm just cocky, but I was SURE that I was on your non-famous list.

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