
Anne - 2005-04-14 11:28:19
hee, the hits? That was me, systematically reading your archives. You make me laugh, a lot, so I keep going. I think I'm in February now. I grew up in Bay City, and have had friends go to UofM so I totally understand the Michigan thing. I live in MA now, but I go back often.
xquzme, Anne's biggest fan - 2005-04-14 12:55:27
Why, thank you Bay City Anne! I'm very flattered. There are much funnier people around here -- I'm just an amateur (check out my buddies to find them!). But I love meeting new folks on line, so, welcome! Do you have a Diary or blog? It's great fun! Thanks again.
Incredipete - 2005-04-14 13:11:27
I usually go the "drink and pass out" route, personally. I should try some of those other options.
Rhi~ - 2005-04-14 14:37:51
Ok I checked. Nothing dirty from you Xquzme ( folding my arms, furrowing my brow and tapping my foot ) What the hell? Don't you have my email on speed-um-send or something? I demand drunken-love PRONTO. Oh, and I missed you made me laugh a bunch today! Thanks
DanjerusKurves - 2005-04-14 17:06:50
I LOVED the drunk n'wild comments you left on my blog! wheeeeeeee!

add your comment:

...and you are?:
... and your email is?:
...and you'll make me laugh if I go to...?:

Hit me baby one more time - Okay, Fine. So hit somebody else.