
Jen - 2005-03-15 21:17:34
This too shall pass is exactly right. I am of the opinion that you are craving because its spring, its close to menopause, everyone else is having kids... your cravings are a product of your environment, in my humble opinion. I could be totally wrong and you can tell me to suck rocks, but I think it is a product of your environment. When my mom began to hit menopause she didn't shut up about babies. Fortunately she works at public health so she gets her fill and I am left alone.
xquzme - 2005-03-15 21:37:08
Thanks, Jen. Your humble opinion means more than I can say. I think you ROCK, and not that you suck rocks. Mwwwwwaaaaahhhh!
Bill - 2005-03-16 00:06:33
You are with someone who you love and who loves you... And you only want to have a baby with him. Baby Gracie will be one lucky girl. :-)
Gumphood - 2005-03-16 09:31:45
You know, I really think adoption is a good alternative as well, because it sounds like you have alot of love and I know that the baby will think of you just like his or her own Mom. So you might want to think about that.
Andy - 2005-03-16 09:51:44
Do you really want to be raising a toddeler at this stage in your life? for the next 20 years?
Rhi-lly wants a baby too. NOW. - 2005-03-16 10:26:43
Leave it to Andy to be so comforting and stuff...says the man with no kids. But he makes a valid point.

It is up to you sistah. Well, and the hubby...he is sorta important...but giving birth...wanting to give a natural urge and you shouldnt ever let anyone make you feel bad...or make yourself feel bad...for having those urges. Sometimes, I will be at work and hear a baby cry and I swear to GOD...something deep inside of my twists up and it is primal. I now know that the "biological clock" is real.

Regardless of your should do some serious soul searching...there WONT be many years left and you will have to give up so much of the vices you enjoy...but I promise you that NOTHING on this Earth is more satisfying then smelling the back of your child's neck...or watching them sleep. Its HARD work woman...but you have SO much heart.

And adoption is a great option too. I am available for adoption * smile * I am potty trained and I dont drool either! * wink*
xquzme - 2005-03-16 11:31:06
You guys are all so sweet -- even you, Andy. All valid points -- my thought process on this is very schitzophrenic, and, imagine this, the desire to have a baby is heightened after a few glasses of wine (huh). When I have to get up at 3am to let Taylor out and then again at 3:15 to let her in and then 4am to let Babe out I am reminded that this is just a teeny tiny taste of what I would face. And like I said -- I'm not going there unless it's embraced as a two-person deal, 100%. In a perfect world, I think the correct ratio of adults to children is 3:1. Thanks again for listening and commenting.
Andy - 2005-03-16 11:45:40
I honesalty didn't intend to sound insensitive. I was just spouting my own opinon. What did your husband say when you mentioned your maternal instincts?
xquzme, you're fine - 2005-03-16 13:06:34
Not to worry Andy -- no offense was taken, and your point is a good one (and probably the ONLY one that prevents me from running off and doing the turkey baster thing for $10k). He really does NOT want children, and that's final -- but he is very worried I will wake up some day and rue the day I met him. He realizes that this is a BF Deal for me, and he's worried about me. I've had friends who are rather critical -- saying things like "if he REALLY loved you...". Well, it ain't like we're buying a boat, kiddies. I respect his feelings on this and as I said, a lot of this is drunken sentiment, facing the realization that I'm getting old, and dealing with past decisions I made for which I ultimately have to forgive myself. I may be 45, but I'm still growing up.
Dhanzha S. Kurves - 2005-03-16 13:31:23
I feel your pain, dahling. But allow me to present yet another viewpoint... is it possible that you want a baby to nurture your needs and not vice versa? Just an idea, and probably a sucky one. I'm 44-1/2 and I HATE the idea that the choice of having a baby is going to be taken away from me ... and I really don't want a baby at all. I've been divorced since 1996 and in the godawful dating world and greener-grass arguments aside, I'd rather be in a solid, loving marriage (again) than be a single parent. Now tell your mean old hormones to cut you some major slack.

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Hit me baby one more time - Okay, Fine. So hit somebody else.