
Bill - 2005-02-28 21:53:38
That's one crappy thing about getting older... It's been ages since I have had a whopper too... Cutting out things like that sucks. Stupid age and weight stuff... Stupid.
Andy - 2005-03-01 12:34:28
I lost my virginity in Burger King, on the Bosses desk when I was 16. I'd like you to think about that next time you have a whopper.

That should help you with you diet.
xquzme? - 2005-03-01 12:47:59
HOT! Desk sex! HOT!
BigPimpinMBA - 2005-03-01 13:21:52
My wife is a Phi Sig from Rowan.

Getting older and watching your weight blows. I used to be able to eat a Whopper meal for lunch and dinner and pork roll egg and cheese for breakfast with Snickers bars dispersed throughout the day and not gain an ounce. What the F happened?
xquzme - 2005-03-01 13:25:30
I don't know, BP, but it shore does suck. I eat hardly ANYthing (in order to save my calories for the critical Vin-de-jour), and it is taking me forEVER to lose this poundage. And I don't even have a kid to show for it! I guess if I actually got my ass off the couch now and then it would help. Ya think?

naaaaaaaahhh... (please pass the red punch)

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