
Rhi-needs-a -new-pair-of-shoes - 2005-02-25 16:01:45
Ooooooh you got my attention with the "new boots" chat...then you left me panting with nothing to take me over the edge..I want to see those hot, slutty boots..naked and covered in boot oil, sistah...Sleek and me.

That poor boy lip-synching ROCKS. He does that one eyebrow wiggle and I suddenly re-think my rule about boys that dance on cam...almost. Enjoy your weekend..ya wordy beoootch!
Pat - 2005-02-25 16:02:21
It snowed here too, which was nice. Cause i got to go outside and "write" in the snow, in gloriously golden lettering .....a heart with "Pat n Xquzme 4 Eva"
U 2 Just crack me UP! - 2005-02-25 16:07:30
LOfuckingpenisL. and here I thought you two had run away together and left me to get hot and bothered over snowflakes without you. Phee-euw, is all I can say. Pat, I'm honored by your pissplay of devotion. Thank you. Rhi, darling, they're... uhm... furry. Yes. Do Wookies turn you on? I knew they did. Start thinking *that* way, K? K.
Gumphood - 2005-02-25 16:09:32
Maybe its me...but snowflakes look alike. Anyway...did you get the hamburger out okay? I was worried there.
xquzme, don't eat that piece of cheese - 2005-02-25 16:14:03
Hey, dooood -- do you know that EVERY SINGLE TIME I link to someone I copy and paste from the note you sent me? I do. I'm linking you in my BOOTS entry in honor. And, yes. I think my nose is done bleeding now. Almost, anyway. You've inspired me to write the "That won't always be there" story.
Jen - 2005-02-25 16:22:59
Would it break your heart if I told you it was 10 degrees celcius (don't ask me to translate, I can't) in Vancouver right now? I mean, not that I am into breaking your heart and all, but it is seriously delicious telling all of my internet friends about our fantastic weather here in Lotus Land. So yeah, I am wearing sunglasses and T-shirt and flip flops today and I am not one bit cold. Yeah baby.
xquzme - 2005-02-25 16:27:34
Jen, honey, the only thing that would make it better is if you had my BOOTS instead of your flip flops because they look totally hot with shorts and sunglasses. And no, we don't begrudge our good friends (coughBITCHcough) nice weather when we are freezing our (coughSLUTcough) collective American asses off, so slather up on that sunscreen and have yourself an umbrella drink and ENJOY! We, too, will have weather like that in .... uhm.... only 8 more months.
Jen - 2005-02-25 19:21:49
For the city that David Duchovny made the X-Files move from beacuse it "rained so much", we have had sunny weather and decent temperatures for almost two weeks straight. I am feeling rather blessed. So tonight at the hockey game (yes, I am fulfilling the stereotype, thankyaverymuch) I will have a drink and toast to xquzme.
xquzme, I love that you love hockey! - 2005-02-25 19:29:29
GO HOCKEY! G'damn, I miss hockey. Rat bastards.... (In case you don't know, I'm from HOCKEYTOWN.. and I'm PISSED!) I would love to visit Vancouver -- have done the Seattle thing, and it's gorgeous country, darlin' -- whether or not DD deems it "sunny enough" -- "dry enough" -- whatever (although he IS cute AND an English Major, so... I'm TORN). He should try a winter in Meeechigan where we have 359 shades of gray. WHINERS! All of them. You enJOY that weather, gurl. AND hockey. And to DD: "5 for whining".

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