
Gumphood - 2005-01-19 14:32:53
Are you having a tough time then. In the dry cold I used to get nose bleeeds...its the WORST a inyour bed. At least for me.
Anisettekiss - 2005-01-19 15:35:16
HELLO! SO. I'm on break at work and decided that, "Hey, I'm going over to the WarCryGirl page and see what's up." So I get there and saw your comment. THANK YOU for not making me feel like a stick in the mud or a censorist. I don't think I went too far and obviously Pete kinda agreed after he thought about it. Retarded is not a very descriptive word anyway! It's one of those generic words that is used way too much. You know what I mean? Anyway! I totally was inspired to say hello. And tell you that you're my new buddy.
Pat - 2005-01-19 17:02:03
YOu know, i worked on a mammorgram study at UVA, testing the benefits over digital mammograms vs the older analog ones, so i am familiar with it a bit. I only worked on the computers there but did alot of talking with teh doctors, and they said that is very common to have to call women back for a second one. As a matter of fact I believe she told me that about 10% get called back, especially women with larger breasts. Usually they just can't see too well and they error on the side of caution, so hoepfully that will set your mind a bit at ease! Also i dont know if you have the option but the digital ones, were far superior at detecting things, so if you got an analog one which is more common, they are alot more prone to picking up on something that isnt there, or not being able to be clear.....Regardless, i will say a prayer for you and keep you in my thoughts! pat

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