
rhi - 2004-12-29 16:11:33
so it IS Beula the Technician and NOT the frigid air temp they keep the room? Now THAT really is disconcerting! Welcome back ya yummy piece of woman-fun!!!!
I Like Boobs - 2004-12-29 16:13:20
all i wanted for christmas was a journal entry about boobs! well specifically i wanted a journal entry about boobs WITH pics...but beggers cant be choosers!
Rhi - 2004-12-29 16:16:32
Words I never thought I would see: God-of-Whine (A.K.A. Pat):i worked on a mammogram study at uva Lordy Lordy
Dr Pat - 2004-12-29 16:18:20
Yeah it was super glamorous...but i got to look at lots of film of boob innerds.
xquzme - 2004-12-29 16:22:45
Ooooh! Doctor Pat Doctor Pat! Please tell me they don't all "just start looking like feet" after awhile. That's what my Uncle says. I don't buy it.
Dr Pat - 2004-12-29 16:35:46
Well i was actually just working on their computer network/help desk. they wouldnt allow me in the actual examining section. but i did see the actual film of the boobs andthey just looked like these big blobs with tissue and stuff all throughout.

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