
Gumphood - 2004-12-20 16:26:40
Now I have seen porn, but like, for no more than like 30 minutes tops. I can't imagine that all night. Oh wait...yes I can. I went to college. People on coke who have very little chance than creating a gritty sand friction sensation in the lower regions. ick.
xquzme - 2004-12-20 16:32:06
Yeah. It was way more than I wanted to know about either of them. And the chick is jealous of my friendship with Employee "A", so I'm now convinced she was intent on my knowing exactly what they were up to. Yeah, okay. I get it. You win. Beoooooooootch!
Bill - 2004-12-20 22:51:35
Funny how life is... Sometimes you (and when I say you, I mean everyone)can get so caught up feeling bad about something, you forget how good the life you have can be.
Oz - 2004-12-21 11:26:59
Oh my god. I loved that story! Hooray for live porn. But ya ... sometimes you wanna sleep.

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