
rhi - 2004-12-16 15:47:43
Never tell a boy he is hot. He shall strut and stuff. Ugh. Tell him he is "feasible" or "will-do-in-a-pinch." Even if I agreed with you 100% ( I am not saying I do or I scribble "Gump loves Rhi on my TrapperKeeper...) The link thing didnt work. cmere you. Let me show you how. no spaces. no quotations. try again.
xquzme I'm HTML challenged - 2004-12-16 15:49:43
Wait! Gump said the quotations were imPORTANT! I'm so confuuuuuused!
HTML spaz gurl - 2004-12-16 15:50:44
Still not working. grump grump grump
rhi - 2004-12-16 15:52:49
no look see? NEW SURVEY...TAKE TWO no quotations and no spaces. pat showed me how. *thanks Pat ya tech-geek-extraordinaire*
rhi - 2004-12-16 15:54:25
crap that didnt work HAHAHAHA it just linked me please delete that :)) not a blatant ruse to make people take my survey its TYPE WHAT YOU WANT SHOWN but NO spaces...or its all kooky
rhi - 2004-12-16 15:55:24
ok I give up....someone else explain it I keep making fake links. Lookie I can do it. woo hoo big girl
the missing link - 2004-12-16 15:57:55
ok if you want to link something here is how... Type the text here that you want to be linked to that site that will link text to another site.
rhi - 2004-12-16 15:58:51
see? we all suck. We can do it but not explain it. Those who can teach. do. the rest of us just type all day. SHE DID IT! I see it working now!
HTML GODDESS - 2004-12-16 15:59:15
Rhi, you are just so damn cool. So SO much cooler than I. It worked! Thank you! (the email had the entire link typed out so I could see the error in my ways.) And now I can get to YOUR survey through my comments! I like it. It's very... smooshy and stuff. MWWWWAAAH!(Dating Game kiss to you!)
shit - 2004-12-16 16:00:02
ok whoops im a news there...ok here is what you do put the following code but the less than symbol then type a href=> Type the text here that you want to go to that site then
rhi - 2004-12-16 16:00:17
*furiously blushing* did you read fuzzmom yet? We should write ode's to our female parts...or Haiku or something!
shit - 2004-12-16 16:01:26
ok whoops im a news there...ok here is what you do put the following code but the less than symbol then type a href=> Type the text here that you want to go to that site then
xquzme - 2004-12-16 16:04:18
Thanks Pat and Rhi, for the HTML 911 response. Now I'm going to devote an entire entry to links on you guys. Well, or maybe I'll go to happy hour. After I read fuzzmom. Anyway, I do appreciate the tutelage. I ride the HTML shortbus, and I'm too lazy to actually snoop around the HELP feature and figure things out. So, please expect to play doctor and nurse again in the future. Wait. We'll never get ANYTHING done if you do that.... heh heh heh

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